7 Columns of Cancer Care

Are you a holistic therapist or wellness advocate wanting to confidently support women diagnosed with cancer ?

'7 Columns of Cancer Care

This 8 week programme is here to empower holistic therapists, wellness advocates and carers in feeling confident in their ability to care for those women in their world that have been diagnosed with cancer.

This programme and I are here to support you too; give you a much deeper understanding of the minefield of the cancer experience; so you don't have to feel you don't know enough or that you can't help. You really can, you already are.

With this programme, you can continue to support your current client/s and change lives, have a huge impact on their experience, AND yours...

Does the idea of a client being diagnosed with cancer feel scary?

Do you feel you want to refer them to someone else, which impacts your business, and your confidence?

Do you find it hard to know what to say?

Would you like to feel calm and confident in how you can support them and have a hugely positive impact in their life.

You can.

I'm so excited to offer you the opportunity to find out more about securing a place on the incredible programme

7 Columns of Cancer Care

This is a deep dive into the experiences your current and future clients diagnosed with cancer are likely to go through, lifting the lid and sharing with you everything that your clients may not share with you...

These are the  7 key ways that I supported and scaffolded myself naturally, mind, body and soul...

from diagnosis to all clear..

I know cancer can feel scary, that its hard to know what to say, but having experienced this programme you will understand how you can then reach your clients or family on the level they need... to anticipate the changes in their world, their physical experiences and emotional trauma...

All things you are completely capable of supporting, once you have that level of deep understanding.

The kind you will find here.

Are you ready to feel more confident to emotionally support your clients, turn less away and have the knowledge that allows you to remain fully present with them?

Let me guide you from fear and uncertainty, to confidence, knowledge and empowerment..

this is life changing, not just for them, but for you-

All you need to do is grab my hand and book your place.

I’d be honoured to take you through this journey of natural support that can work alongside conventional treatment.

How will it work and what’s included..

7 MODULES- plus bonus resources module

Oils & Supplements, oxygen, keto & fasting, chemo, radio & surgery, juicing, emotional support  - plus top tips for medical menopause.


You will have a support system too..

BONUS CONTENT OF GUEST SPEAKERS - experts in their field, support and inspire you


Live Zoom


all the books, resources and signposts to great support


This programme is worth over £2.5k worth of content, time, expertise and transformation.

The impact this has on your clients and your own confidence is priceless.

Your investment into your current AND future clients and yourself is

only £1597

and yes, YOU CAN choose to SPREAD THE PAYMENTS

HOWEVER, there is a fabulous Pay in full VIP bonus

3 x 1 hour one to one live sessions with me worth £600

Providing focus on your needs as a supporter and those of a specific client 

Plus- you can sponsor a place on the patient version of the course

and gift it for free to someone you know currently living with cancer.

You will also have between calls messenger support -PRICELESS


or pay in 3 £532

pay in 6 £266

pay in 9 x £177

I have 3 spaces only for VIP


in this programme with me in person

At this price

It's time... come with me...

All you have to do - is dive in...

We start Tuesday 3rd October 2023 for 8 weeks

See you on the inside... it's time.

Still have questions?

Let's talk - book a call and let's discuss if this programme is right for you....

and how I can make this more accessible so that you can join us for this journey!

© Copyright 2023 Essentially Rachel UK